Pine cone decorating

Posted on 4:23 PM In:

It gets more important every year!

As a child, it was to an almost meaningless "word" which was especially for Christmas!

But more appointments, stress, obligations, Alltagsdinge, etc., etc., etc. added over the years all the more significant was me "Besinnlichkeit" in our society is how valuable!

Since then, I try to give a very special place in "my" advent of Besinnlichkeit - and (I shall give struggling me!) to make a festive time really!

in this Sinne-

You new advent

kind regards

only time to...

Posted on 6:43 PM In:
only time to...

.. .and actually without primary
would I wish you a beautiful evening-
come straight from work and my "men" Lisa off their evening half an hour before the TV!-
and as I've weggeschlichen me to welcome the soul a bit at the sight of your beautiful posts and to relax and enjoy

So, in this sense
a wonderful evening of residual

kind regards

Front door decor

Posted on 9:03 PM In: ,

..before the Türe-
weihnachtet it with us a little!
But as really beautiful, I think abends-

all throughout the Lichtlein lit

Unfortunately you can this wonderful
Christmas, festive mood
not as good record on photos-
Therefore there are photos of the hellichten, cold afternoon
and you need to think you the Lichterglanz!(O).

But wonderful creativity which beweist-all of you, every day is indeed a snap!

kind regards

Nice custom christmas

Posted on 11:23 PM In: ,
Merry Christmas
... and a few festive days

I wish you heart

simply enjoy the day!

Yes, I know - it's also me very schwer-
If there still soooo much prepare so much visit comes, etc., etc.
But! - I must say.
If everyone.
or sit in the car, all stowed, packed and attracted...
then I can me fairly quickly "drop" and simply the


enjoy: o)

I hope that you succeed well,

Very, very best regards, relaxed

kind regards

Unusual potters

Posted on 1:43 AM In: ,

Out there....
at the moment, it is but everywhere equally nice!-or
to a beautiful snow and with us

From due to snow chaos


and enjoy each rare moment of snow.

and we look forward then from inside.

comfortably warm with tea, coffee and cake

to see outside in the snow!

Of course, did I pure geholt us even a little "color" (could but not again stand!:-)))

I wünsch you a fluffy-snow Sunday

kind regards

Flower holders

Posted on 4:03 AM In: ,


I've also!-
but now I've got it rather inside before the oven-
Assistance, have and divided into manageable pieces.
just so that I am only must serve if I have cosy ´s us
and thanks to my two industrious men always so-
I've got a little Blumengeguckt and gerutscht and photographed.
and they brought wood

Now the cosy part of the weekend to start

You all love

kind regards

Outdoors decorating

Posted on 6:23 AM In: ,

White Röckchen....

How long have we in vain Sung it???

and now.


wish you a wonderful verschneites Wochenende-

We weden today afternoon again retension "FAXE" before the slide and the fields 70B - more-

kind regards

Just time to...

Posted on 8:43 AM In:
Just time to...

a few

Week end in voice Bildchen

from me!

Wünsch you what

kind regards

Tool holders

Posted on 11:03 AM In:
Paul cuisine

Voilà - this is you

I think I have shown never finished it you!-

and while it is soooo long now in use - it looks already somewhat "alt".
or '?

Paul loves her (I of course)

and you can imagine you not what for delicacies you all can prepare it!

Paulchen is a true Gourmetkoch!;-)

Mhm delicious

kind regards

Items to Decorate with

Posted on 1:23 PM In: ,

easy for me!

kind regards

About Me

Hi everyone. Thanks for reading my blog. My favorite things include making my own candles for gifts (and for myself) and being a good mom. There's so much that goes with that I could blog about it forever.